Solicitation Policy for Sales of Financial Instruments

To our customers,

Enacted: October 1, 2012

AKASAKA INTERCITY AIR, 1-8-1, Akasaka, Minato Ward, Tokyo
Nippon Steel Kowa Real Estate Co., Ltd.
(entity handling personal information)

As a financial instruments business operator, Nippon Steel Kowa Real Estate Co., Ltd. abides by laws, regulations, and the following policy when soliciting and selling financial instruments to customers.

  1. The Company strives to solicit the appropriate products according to the knowledge, experience, and assets of our customers, and their purpose for concluding agreements for the sale of financial instruments.
  2. The Company strives to provide appropriate explanations so that our customers can understand enough about the schemes, risks, and other aspects of financial instruments to execute transactions with their own judgment and responsibility.
  3. The Company does not solicit customers in ways that may mislead them, such as giving definitive judgments on uncertain matters, or providing false information.
  4. The Company strives to solicit customers according to their preferred timeframes, locations, and methods.
  5. The Company strives to gain knowledge about financial instruments in order to solicit customers appropriately.
